MEET at: HOTEL DE PYRENEES (Café Charlotte)
2.00 for 2.30 pm. start
An idyllic run/walk through quiet woodland – one drinks stop – no mountains – promise!
DIRECTIONS: Hotel Pyrenées is in the centre of SEISSAN, on D929, 16 km south of Auch, 8 km north of Masseube. We shall return to Hotel Pyrenées for Circle and optional tasty snacks.
Please confirm attendance to Hare to ensure adequate supplies.
En route, you may find a few Dutch pleasantries useful – see glossary below (. pronunciation is another matter..):
Greetings Groeten
Good day Goeden Tag
How are you? Hoe gaat het met u?
Where is the toilet? Waar is het toilet?
I’m lost! Ik ben de weg kwijt!
A large beer please Een bier graag
RECENT RUNS; #143, 1st May 2016 at Castelanu Magnoac;
HARES; Dr Doolittle and Goody Sherpa
Having gathered a quorum of worthies……… special guest Doggy( and Hedgehock's canine accessory) more or less on time at the recently renovated Chateau Relax, Castelnau Magnoac Lady Doo-dah and followers sallied forth on a live hash in search of the trail, fleeting sunshine and a bucolic meander into neighbouring valleys. The sun shone wanly , the clouds scudded breezily, the birds sang chirpily, the insects buzzed whirringly and Lady Doo-dah nattered knowingly about the doings of the local peasantry while the knitting club were lost in their own nature walk.
All was fine and pleasant as we hacked and tacked across meadow, ditch and mire until we surmounted a bohm and there encountered a serious obstruction in the shape of a plastic-duck shooter outraged that we should be marching towards his pond and intent on defending his realm. Lady Doo-dah remonstrated with and attempted to deviate from this irate obstruction and attempted to plough on regardless, but he was armed, drunk and driving an all-terrain vehicle and inevitably after some nerve-wracking moments of stand-off our retreat was ordered, in fact rather disordered as we stumbled backwards through ditch and brush until we had dropped out of his sights and could re-set our sights on the more calming prospect of the hash halt and drink stop a bosky dale or two away...
It was a steep and lengthy climb back to Chateau Relax and its now resplendent pizza piazza where we wound down in required circular fashion and in between imbibing and ingesting resolved various important issues and to meet again sometime before the harvest moon , but without venturing anywhere near Godzilla the Gascon...:-) OnOn Goin’ ‘Rong
Date Location Hares Tel:
Can’t make Sundays? Feel free to offer any other day of the week …or time – Remember the first rule of Hashing: THERE ARE NO ‘RULES’
Does any hasher know where the GH3 “Late-Cummers Watches” are??? If so, please bring them along or advise GUMBOOT
6/7th-9th July, 2017 – EUROHASH – VIENNA , Austria
Hosts: Vienna H3 www.eurohash17.feosc.org
14th-16th Sept.,2018 - 80TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS - KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia
Hosts: Mother Hash www.MotherHash.com/80thanniversary