Sunday August 10th 2014

Special instructions
Please confirm attendance to the Hare. If there are sufficient numbers,
A SHORT walk/run – c.1 hour (no hills) plus one drinks stop
Hotel Pyrenees (under new management) will provide an ‘after Hash snack’.
Hotel Pyrenees (under new management) will provide an ‘after Hash snack’.
Recent Runs -
St Ost on 16th July 2014
St Ost on 16th July 2014
Hare/s Goin’ ‘Rong, Pissoles, ROMAIN: pathetic apologies from Bootsie and FELIX.
Too many Hashers to count turned up for this event, along with a small army of English Immersion students. Three out of the five Hares set the trail, which was hot hot hot, and 2 1/4 hrs long, instead of the promised 1 hr Run. It was also dry dry dry, as the FRB’s and junior Hare led the whole party On On and past the Hash Halt. Thankfully there was a grizzly grunge with a loud horn lurking in the nearby woods, and he whisked the much needed drinks to a new and very obvious location.
The hot hot hot Hashers cooled down and cleaned up in Going’ ‘Rongs pool and then ate a hearty spread and BBQ, beautifully cooked by a passing Parisien.
The circle was graced by many virgins (exclusively French), many FRB’s, folk not wearing the obligatory hot, gaudy T-shirt (Miss W + Tripod), a couple of teenagers in new, fluorescent shoes (Bootsie + Felix), and 2 ladies who were definitely NOT flat-chested (no names needed) and who sat dangling their tootsies in the pool instead of Hashing. ‘Hashy birthday’ was sung to a visitor who’s birthday was on a different day to the Hash – but they, and lots of people got away without down-downs for pointing, short-cutting and using nerd names. A truly fab Hash.
PS; A time management course is being considered for all Hashers who (not 135 minutes) and that 3pm does not occur at 4.15pm
RUN # 126.
25th May 2014
@ Montmaurin and the Gorges de la Save.
25th May 2014
@ Montmaurin and the Gorges de la Save.
Hares; Rubberboots
Six Hashers from Toulouse joined GH3 for this Run, which was true to form in starting at least 30 minutes late. The runners chomped at the bit as we waited for Goin’Rong to arrive (with guest) and.......
We were off. The Toulousians very much appreciated the beauty of the Gorge de la Save and the runners appreciated being furnished with a paper map of their variant route – in a very special envelope with ‘Do not open unless lost’ written on it! BOOTSIE, who was due to be severely punished for cycling the route, proved hero of the day as he made copious relay runs with car keys, to enable the spread out ‘bunch’ to access the beers (which were all locked securely in cars!).
The Toulouse HHH are always impeccably behaved and we struggled to find any misdemeanours – thankfully we had a virgin to fill the circle and then the heavens opened in true Midi-Pyrenees style, at which point we said our good byes and headed home.
GH3 News
Date Location Hare/s
Please feel free to propose an alternative date if you would like to set a trail on a date not shown.
Date Event Information
25th – 27th July, 2014
“Brussels 2014: A beer odessy”
Does exactly what is says on the tin - INTERHASH – Brussels , 30 trails, 7 Belgian beers
On On