TIME: 2.00 for 2.30 pm. start
The meeting point is the church carpark next to our house the directions are as follows directions from castlenau magnoac follow the d632 towards boulogne sur gesse then take the D32 towards deveze follow that until u get to the D28 turn left up the hill u will bye pass the village of pouy when you get to the top of the village the road will sort of split to the right witch u take that road is the D32 follow that until you get to a little set of cross roads you go straight over towards gensac de boulogne that road changes from the D32 to D 69 when you get to the top of that road you turn right on to the D41 / D69 you follow that for about half km then you will see the signs for st loup en comminges down to the left which is the d69 witch will drop you in to the village you will see the Marie and sal de fete on you right then you will come to a set of small cross roads with a big cross on them you will to turn left and follow until u see the church we are the last house past the church you cannot miss the house as its a dusky pink and a set of huge barn doors. If you are comming from boulogne aria you turn left at the grave yard which is the D41 again and stay on that road until u u hit the signs for st loup and follow direction as above there will be the relevant hash markings so keep your eyes peeled.
Please confirm attendance to ensure adequate supplies.
RECENT RUNS; RUN #146 – 31st July, Masseube :
When the Hare reccied the trail a week earlier, Masseube’s idyllic, bucolic, surroundings were peaceful – not a car nor a human, nor even a hasher, in sight. Come Hash day – WOW!! – a cast of thousands emerged from the woodwork – but the vast majority were non-hashers, attending the annual fete and huge brocante, not to mention the fishing competitors now lining the banks of the GERS in what is normally the quietest woodland in the department! But a score of real GH3 hashers were made of sterner stuff and not to be put off by mere multitudes of the chattering classes, sedentary munchers, bargaining brocanters, delinquent dancers and, finally, comatose anglers.
Good turnout: – 18, including a returnee and 2 visitors. The presence of 3 sprogs reduced the average age by several decades.
At the Circle, DOGGY dispensed wine from a very great height, much of which missed the target, GUMBOOT’s mouth, and soaked her t-shirt. What is it about GUMBOOT that encourages male HHHashers to destroy her HHHash t-shirts?
JAY was almost christened (see below) with beer but she demanded thé de mente.
3 REAL DOGS (the canine variety) were on trail: ♪♪.. One black one, one white one, & one with a bit of shite on .. ♪♪ … sniffing each other’s, and occasional hashers’, rear ends, especially DOGGY’s.
SPROUT introduced Joseph (1 y.o) to panachés before we could baptise him “PANACHE”. He was “over the limit” so (lest he be arrested for drink-walking) he had to be carried home.
Many thanks to SHEEPSHAGGER (R.A.), AIRHEAD (beer master) and TERMINATOR for barbecue duties.
NUFFIN’ ON was definitely not ON-ON when she was spotted SHOPPING during the run
SHEEPSHAGGER & FRUIT MACHINE quickly got lost. Were they SHOPPING too, or simply gossiping, thus missing trail-marks? But, sly as ever, they caught up easily by taking the kiddies’ short –cut route.
HEDGEHOCK drank us dry (before, during & after the run)
WELLINGTON pitched after the run, dressed for a cocktail party
SNOWY (née BATHTUB (née JAY), at christening, waved her arms like a windmill, sprinkling hhholy hhhash water, everywhere except on her hhhead !! Repeat baptism required?
DOGGY was reported sniffing dogs – (name & nature?)
On trail, neither BOOTSIE nor FELIX called “On-On” once. Later, they retired from the Circle to compete in the GH3 darts championship; result: missing Hash asset, viz: one dart …… er??
HHHEDGEHOCK drank us dry
DOGGY, the FRB, treated the whole trail as an Olympic training run – he was chief candidate for GH3’s HOLE OF SHAME, but PISSOLES forgot to bring the bog seat! A treat in store, DOGGY !! … At one stage, DOGGY complained he was “lost” and insisted that a rubbed-out false-trail mark still existed - well, the cunning hare had to slow him down somehow! … and that wouldn’t have mattered so much, until DOGGY told the rest of the pack that they were all lost too (They weren’t!)
DRUNKHOCK dredged us high!
Middling-( Piddling? ) lights
DOGGY kindly presented PISSOLES with a mug that pisses beer! A hole in the side of the mug, cunningly drilled exactly opposite a right-handed drinker – another wet t-shirt! Very punny! Had PISSOLES been a left-handed drinker, the mug’s hole would have pissed beer over DOGGY instead. Next time?
At the piss-stop, AIRHEAD & HEDGEHOCK scrumped and swallowed the entire stock of fruit from a nearby Mirabelle tree (was that because they had exhausted the beer supplies?)
FRIZZ had to leave the Circle in order to put little PANACHE into his cot (lucky PANACHE !)
TERMINATOR was a hero:- After several beers (grabbed before Hedgehock spotted them!), he still managed to shoulder 2 small harriettes (ENEMY & MADLY), for 30 mins., from piss-stop to the ON-IN.
Date Location Hares Tel:
Aug. 21st ? HARE NEEDED
Aug. 28th ? HARE NEEDED
Can’t make Sundays? Feel free to offer any other day of the week …or time – Remember the first rule of Hashing: THERE ARE NO ‘RULES’
7th-9th October, 2016 – (French) RIVIERA H3 – Annual Away W/e – ALBENGA, Italian Riviera
6/7th-9th July, 2017 – EUROHASH – VIENNA , AUSTRIA
Hosts: Vienna H3 www.eurohash17.feosc.org
25th-27th May, 2018 – 21st WORLD INTERHASH – FIJI
Hosts: Fiji Interhash Committee www.interhashfiji2018.com
Hosts: Mother Hash www.MotherHash.com/80thanniversary