NEXT RUN: #155 - SATURDAY * 14th July, 2018
* SATURDAY not Sunday (when those who can’t wait, will be at the WC)
MEET AT: Notre Dame de Garaison, BOUDRAC (directions below)
TIME: 16.00 - 4.00 p.m.
An idyllic trail, in mostly new territory – no mountains, promise 31580 !
Afterwards, just down the hill .. chez AMNESIA & COMMANDER TINTIN,
6 Chemin des Esteres, 31580 BOUDRAC, for Circle and Barbecue.
“Please bring something to contribute to food”
Please confirm attendance
DIRECTIONS: BOUDRAC is a short distance East of D 929 (AUCH-LANNEMEZAN) approx. midway between Castelnau and Lannemezan
Please phone hares/hosts to confirm attendance
Date Location Hares Tel:
Jul. 14th BOUDRAC COMMANDER TINTIN (see above)
RECENT RUN; # 154, 8TH July, 2018 at Castelnau-Magnoac:
Emerging from their Heated Horizontal positions, Hordes of Hitherto Hibernating Hashers Hove to. Heavens!! No less than 9 HHHashers …. appropriately, as this was to be their first GH3 Run for 9 months. It showed too, as they’d all put on weight.
Upon arrival at the scene of inaction, they all collapsed into the Sedentary position and ordered beer. Before the early-birds staggered into Vertical positions and finally started the “run”, several more hours elapsed. SHEEPSHAGGER drove in around 10.30 a.m. chez FRUIT MACHINE & PISSOLES. Having enjoyed FM’s Sunday Roast, we drove in convoy to St. Ost to collect GOIN’ ‘RONG, who was nursing a broken arm and off driving. By the time GR had donned Hash gear, it was gone 4 pm whereupon SS decided she must return to Mezin. It was after 4.30 when P, FM & GR pitched up at the Hotel Dupont bar, to be greeted by DR. DOOLITTLE and GOODY-SHERPA who had been waiting since 3 0’clock! AMNESIA appeared at around 4.45 …. And lo & behold … here comes JUNE CANNONS at 5 pm.
Full House? Not quite as CHANTERELLE didn’t appear until shortly after 6.30. Around this time, a message came from HEDGEHOCK, NAOMI & MR. BOO to say they wouldn’t make it in time (!) as they were still in the process of moving house. So, we were finally OFF, for the “run”, across the square, to the Memory Bar. All in all, a great social reunion and, paradoxically, the shortest run in GHHH’s 15 year history. But we discovered something useful, namely that the vaguer the instructions, the more Hashers crawl out of the woodwork. Let’s do it again!
Can’t make Sundays (or Saturdays)?
Feel free to offer any other day of the week …or time – Remember Hashing Rule # 1: THERE ARE NO ‘RULES’
14th-16th Sept.,2018 - 80TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS - KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA Hosts: Mother Hash
2020 – World Interhash – Trinidad & Tobago